Pennichuck Water Service Line Inventory Project

The Water Service Line Inventory Project

The primary focus of this inventory is identifying lead service lines. Lead is a common metallic element found in the air, water, and soil. If your home was built prior to January 1, 1987, and your water service line hasn’t been replaced since, there’s a possibility it may contain lead. It’s crucial to replace lead water service lines as they could contribute to elevated levels of lead in your drinking water.

The EPA has introduced guidance and regulations requiring every public water system to establish and maintain a water service line material inventory, with the mandate to make it public by October 2024. Part of Pennichuck’s mission is to be a premier water supplier in New Hampshire, providing reliable, high quality, and affordable water. One way we fulfill this mission is by ensuring compliance with regulations set forth by the EPA and NHDES. In line with this mandate, our inventory is publicly available on this page below through a user-friendly, interactive map.  We will actively work on gathering information from customers whose water service lines are categorized as unknown. If you have any questions, concerns, or would like to speak to someone about your service line or this project, please call us at 800-553-5191.

Pennichuck has completed the inventory requirements of the LCRR and submitted all records for our 63 systems to the NHDES in advance of the October 16, 2024 deadline.  The results of this inventory resulted in the following (updated January 7, 2025):

  Lead GRR Unknown
System-Owned 0 213 609
Customer-Owned 0 702 861

Total Service Line Records: 39,780

The water service line inventory is an assessment of materials comprising our customers’ water service lines and our water mains. It is compiled by utilizing all the data we currently possess on the materials used for water mains and water service lines throughout the years. If we lack sufficient evidence to determine the material of your water service line pipe, it will be classified as unknown until we can accurately identify it.

If you fall into the unknown category, you will receive a letter informing you of your status. If you are in unknown status, please visit the form below titled “Service Line Update Form.” This form is for Pennichuck customers to provide information regarding the material of their service line, to help Pennichuck indicate what the materials are for the service line inventory and take you out of unknown status. Pennichuck will use this information to update the service line inventory map and provide any necessary educational materials to our customers. Please see this helpful identification guide to walk you through the process.

If you fall into the galvanized, requiring replacement category, you will also receive a letter in the mail. Please use the form below titled “Replacement of Service Line Request” to contact us about coordinating your service line replacement.  The EPA is requiring all galvanized lines be replaced in the next 10 years.

If you would like to request a free water sample test for your home, please fill out the form below titled “Sample Kit Request.” Please note that Pennichuck will be fulfilling these requests on a first come, first serve basis. Depending on how many requests we receive at any given time, you may be added to a wait list, as each individual sample takes time to hand out, collect, return, and process. Pennichuck will work as hard as we can to get every sample done in a timely manner and will continue to stay in line with all state and federal mandates.

What is a Water Service Line

Your water service line is the pipe that runs from Pennichuck’s water main in the road to the inside of your home or business. It forms the direct connection between Pennichuck and yourself, serving as a vital component of the system that ensures a continuous water supply for domestic and recreational use in your home or business. Pennichuck owns all the infrastructure, also known as water mains, from our facilities until your shut off valve located near your property line. We are responsible for ensuring these water mains comply with current regulations set by governing authorities. As a home or business owner, you own the portion we defined above as the water service line. Your ownership begins at your curb stop, located near your property line, and continues into your home.

Pennichuck’s Goal

Pennichuck is dedicated to ensuring that all our customers receive water that not only meets but exceeds regulations and safety standards set by the EPA and NHDES. Our ongoing goal is to guarantee that drinking water coming straight from our facilities and through our water mains is lead-free. At this time, we do not believe we have lead service lines and mains in our system.

However, we do have customers that are still in unknown or galvanized status. If you fall into the unknown category, you will receive a letter informing you of your status. If you are in unknown status, please visit the form below titled “Service Line Update Form.” This form is for Pennichuck customers to provide information regarding the material of their service line, to help Pennichuck indicate what the materials are for the service line inventory and take you out of unknown status. Pennichuck will use this information to update the service line inventory map and provide any necessary educational materials to our customers. If you fall into the galvanized, requiring replacement category, you will also receive a letter in the mail. Please use the form below titled “Replacement of Service Line Request” to contact us about coordinating your service line replacement.  The EPA is requiring all galvanized lines be replaced in the next 10 years.

Our current Work Plan is available here. Please also explore the helpful resources, documents, and videos on this page to gain a better understanding of lead health effects.

diagram of underground curb box, water service line, and water meter

Industry Acronym Legend

AWWA: American Water Works Association
CDC: Center for Disease Control
EPA: Environmental Protection Agency
LSLR: Lead Service Line Replacement
NHDES: New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services
DHHS: Department of Health and Human Services

Helpful Resources

LSLR Collaborative
NHDES Lead Website
DHHS Lead Website

Helpful Documents

Pennichuck’s Work Plan (PDF)
NHDES Lead Fact Sheet (PDF)
Pennichuck Water Service Line Identification Guide (PDF)
NHDES Service Line Identification Guide (PDF)
Pennichuck FAQs (PDF)

Helpful Documents:

Helpful Videos

Service Line INventory Map

Click on the Service Line Inventory Map to open our interactive map to see the information regarding the service line on your property.

If you are experiencing issues viewing the map, please be sure your browser is updated, or try using a different web browser. Give us a call at 800-553-5191 if you have issues viewing, reading, or understanding the map.

screenshot of an interactive map

Service Line Update Form

This form is for Pennichuck customers to provide information regarding the material of their service line, to help Pennichuck indicate what the materials are for the service line inventory. Pennichuck will use this information to update the service line inventory map and provide any necessary educational materials to our customers.

For instructions on how to take the tests required in the form, please see our Water Service Line Identification Guide.

To take the tests required in the form you will need the following items:

  1. Camera or Smart Phone to take pictures
  2. Magnet
  3. Coin or Key

Replacement of service line request Form

This form is for Pennichuck customers to contact us about coordinating your service line replacement.  The EPA is requiring all galvanized lined be replaced in the next 10 years.

Sample Kit Request Form

This form is for Pennichuck customers who have unknown or galvanized water service lines to submit a request for free water sampling kits to be sent to your home.

Please note that Pennichuck will be fulfilling these requests on a first come, first serve basis. Depending on how many requests we receive at any given time, you may be added to a wait list, as each individual sample takes time to hand out, collect, return, and process. Pennichuck will work as hard as we can to get every sample done in a timely manner and will continue to stay in line with all state and federal mandates.

Contact Us Regarding Your Service Line Form

This form is for general questions regarding the Service Line Program or your service line.