Pennichuck Water is requesting your assistance in updating your contact information. We are requesting that you provide the information below so that we have the best and most convenient method of communication for you – email, text, call to home or mobile – regarding an emergency, such as a water outage, main break, or other unplanned work. We are working on updating our system to be able to send text messages and emails during emergencies to those who request them. Please check the box of your preferred method of contact on the form below. Your preferred method is how you will receive notification in an event of an emergency. Please note that in the event of a potential contamination issue, you will receive notification to all contact information provided, not just your preferred method.
Please note that this information is for Pennichuck use only and will not be supplied or sold to any other entity. It is important information for Pennichuck to have in case of a water emergency or an issue with your customer account with us. We thank you for your cooperation.