Water Restrictions

Pennichuck continuously monitors drought conditions in the State of New Hampshire using the United States drought map(PDF). We make decisions regarding the implementation and enforcement of water restrictions in each individual system based upon the data from this map, as well as our own data from each system. Many different factors go into the decision of implementing Water Restrictions. In order to ensure sufficient water is available to meet indoor domestic and consumptive water needs for all of our customers, it is vitally important that you always follow water restrictions in your area. Visit My Water System to see what your system’s current water restrictions are. If you have any questions regarding water restrictions, please call our Customer Service line at 800-553-5191.

Pennichuck East Utility, Inc., Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, and Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. – Joint Amended Petition for Approval of Acquisition and Approval of Consolidated Rates

On March 8, 2024, Pennichuck East Utility, Inc. (PEU), Pittsfield Aqueduct  Company (PAC), and Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. (PWW) (collectively, the Joint Petitioners) filed an amended petition requesting that the Commission approve consolidated rates should PWW’s acquisition of PEU and PAC be approved. In support of their amended petition, the Joint Petitioners filed revised direct testimony of Donald L. Ware, George Torres, and John J. Boisvert, and revised proposed tariff pages. The Joint Petitioners also filed a motion for waiver of New Hampshire Code of Administrative Rules, Puc 1604.05(a) and motion for protective order. All docket filings, other than any information subject to confidential treatment, are available on the Commission’s website at www.puc.nh.gov/Regulatory/Docketbk/2023/23-101.html.
See order here.

Pennichuck East Utility, Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Pennichuck Water Works – Joint Petition for the Approval of Consolidation

Prehearing Order and Order on Pending Motions

Pursuant to RSA 541-A:31, V (d), this order shall serve as a prehearing order from the February 14, 2024 prehearing conference. Furthermore, this order GRANTS the city of Nashua’s (Nashua) petition to intervene and GRANTS the Pennichuck Water Works, Inc., Pennichuck East Utility, Inc., and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Inc. (PAC) motion to amend petition, motion to waive notice, and motion for protective order.
See Order Here

Pennichuck Water Works, Pennichuck East Utility, and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company – Request For Change In Rates

Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Hearing

On November 21, 2023, Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. (PWW), Pennichuck East Utility, Inc. (PEU), and Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Inc. (PAC) (collectively, the Pennichuck Utilities) filed a joint petition to establish consolidated rates for water services between the three companies for effect January 1, 2025. The request would have the effect of changing each company’s existing rates. On December 15, 2023, the New Hampshire Department of Energy (DOE) moved to dismiss the petition on the grounds that, among other reasons, it is inappropriate to adjudicate three separate utilities’ rates in a single docket. On December 21, 2023, the Pennichuck Utilities objected to the motion to dismiss. The motion remains pending before the Commission.
See Notice Here

Pennichuck East Utility, Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, and Pennichuck Water Works – Joint Petition for Approval of Consolidation

Commencement of Adjudicative Proceeding and Notice of Prehearing Conference

On December 15, 2023, Pennichuck East Utility, Inc. (PEU), Pittsfield Aqueduct Company (PAC), and Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. (PWW)(Collectively, the Joint Petitioners) filed a joint petition requesting that the Commission approve PWW’s acquisition of PEU and PAC pursuant to agreements and plans of merger. In support of their petition, the Joint Petitioners submitted the direct testimony and related attachments of: John J. Boisvert, Chief Engineer of PWW (Boisvert Testimony); Donald L. Ware, Chief Operating Officer of PWW (Ware Testimony); and George Torres, the Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer, and Corporate Controller of PWW and Pennichuck Corporation (Penn Corp). All docket filings, other than any information subject to confidential treatment, are available on the Commission’s website at www.puc.nh.gov/regulatory/docketbk/2023/23-101/html.
See Notice Here

The Commission has scheduled a Pre-Hearing Conference to be held at the Commission’s Offices in Concord on February 6, 2024 at 9:00am.  At the Pre-hearing Conference, the Commission will hear preliminary statements from PWW and other parties, and will consider requests for formal intervener status.  Individuals seeking to intervene in the proceedings shall file with the Commission a petition to intervene with copies sent to Joint Petitioners and any other parties on the service list, on or before January 19, 2024.

The Pre-Hearing Conference is open to the public.  Customers and other interested parties are invited to attend the Pre-Hearing and comment on PWW’s request.  Those unable to attend the hearing may submit written comments to the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission at 21 South Fruit Street, Suite 10, Concord NH 03301 or via e-mail at puc@puc.nh.gov 

PWW Consolidated Rate Filing

On November 21, 2023, Pennichuck Water Works, Inc. has filed rate schedules with the New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission to change rates for all of its customer classes, including General Metered, Non-Metered, Municipal, and Private Fire Services, and portions of special contracts as well as for all the customers of Pennichuck East Utility, Inc. and the Pittsfield Aqueduct Company, Inc.  See more regarding this filing at our PWW Consolidated Rate Filing page here. 

PWW’s petition and subsequent docket filings for this case, other than information for which confidential treatment is requested of or granted by the Commission, are posted to the Commission’s website at www.puc.nh.gov/Regulatory/Docketbk/2023/23-088.html

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